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Share your voice today!

We all have opinions ;) Give yours and we'll make sure it's heard!

Make sure your voice is part of these conversations:

Four Hills Landfill - It's filling up fast!  What are the barriers preventing you from composting your food waste?  click here

New Girls High School Hockey - Is there enough interest to start a high school team?  click here

Nashua Asphalt Plant  - Voice your opinion to the planning board about proposed plant (poll is complete), but litigation continues. Stay tuned with updates click here

Lacrosse Concussion Rates - What do parents think about the concussion rate and lack of helmets in girls lacrosse? click here

What else should we be talking about?  Request for your own poll by clicking here.


How it works

You choose a topic and we help gather opinions from Nashua neighbors.

Steps to add a topic of your own

  1. You pose a question that matters to you and might also affect others in Nashua.

  2. We'll help you come up with a few questions and relevant details.

  3. Together we will share the opinion poll with the right people & organizations.

  4. The poll will gather opinions from real everyday Nashua neighbors.

  5. The responses can then be used to make informed decisions and progress on your topic.

Submit a request for your own poll by clicking here.

"There will no longer be so many pleasant things if responsible people do not do something about unpleasant ones." - Madeleine L'Engle

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